- Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust/England
- Greenpeace Germany
- Environmental Education Network Thuringia
- Foundation for National Natural Heritage (NABU)
- Friends of the National Park Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft
- German Association of Wildlife Parks (DWV)
Public Authorities
- Nature Academy/Schleswig-Holstein
- Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation (NNA)
- Joint Community of Eschede
- Community of Behringen/Thuringia
- Community of Südergellersen/Lower Saxony
- Office of the Environment of the City of Osnabrueck
- Regional authority Ostfriesische Landschaft
- State Office for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Geology Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Protected Areas
- Biosphere Reserve Bliesgau/Saarland
- Biosphere Reserve Vessertal – Thuringia Forest
- Hainich National Park/Thuringia
- Waddensea National Park Lower Saxony
- Nature Conservation Centre Fehntjer Tief
Museums and Visitor Centers
- Latvian Museum of Natural History/Latvia
- Museum of the Westlausitz Kamenz
- Association of the Water Tower Lueneburg
- Natural History Museum Natureum Niederelbe
- Museum Schoelerberg Osnabrueck
- Forces of Nature Visitor Centre /Sylt/Schleswig-Holstein
Museums and Visitor Centers
- Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
- Interpretive Planning Group/Italy
- Steeghs Advise/Netherlands
- Town Planning Office Patt-Plan
- University of Lueneburg Leuphana